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Slipknot patří na Facebooku mezi 20 nejsledovanějších hudebních kapel vůbec? Až za nimi jsou jména jako KoRn či U2.

2007-07-25 22:02 Corey(8)
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Launch Radio Networks reports: SLIPKNOT drummer Joey Jordison recently offered up a tentative timeline for the recording of the band's fourth major label album, saying that the group would begin writing in October and get into the studio by January of 2008, with the CD likely to arrive in the spring. Jordison then told Launch that SLIPKNOT will most likely return to the road even before the disc is out. "We'll probably start touring a month or so before the album comes out, kind of the same way we did the Jagermeister Tour before 'Vol. 3' came out," he said. "So we'll do something like that as well and we're looking at right now doing some European festivals next year, but nothing's in stone yet. You know, there's still some things to be worked out, but the main thing is, you know, the fans should know that there will be another SLIPKNOT record."

Jordison told the U.K.'s Kerrang! magazine that SLIPKNOT's follow-up to 2004's "Vol. 3: (The Subliminal Verses)" will be "heavy as f***," adding that it will also be "just as weird and as experimental" as that album.

Jordison is currently the touring drummer for KORN on that band's Family Values tour, which pulls into Detroit on Wednesday (July 25).

Two other members of SLIPKNOT, singer Corey Taylor and guitarist Jim Root, will launch a U.S. tour with their other group, STONE SOUR, next month.
Sekce, novinky, soutěže, foto, multimedia, affiliates: Corey(8)     |     Design, html, css, php & mysql, server, sponzor: Venom
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