HOSTING4416 Kč / 1800 Kč    1/5: "Sólo koncerty na podporu mé nové knihy budou zahrnovat předčítání vybraných kapitol, akustickou show a diskuzi s fanoušky."2. února přidáno: Nová anketa 9. července přidáno: Nová anketa 11. března přidáno: 4 nové artworky Celkem:--- 3825 fotek --- 144 textů písní --- 139 tapet --- 95 avatarů --- 81 artworků --- 65 významů písní --- 32 audio preview --- 24 čtenářských recenzí --- 22 video souborů --- 14 rozhovorů --- 7 audio souborů Nepřehlédněte:
Věděli jste, že: Slipknot patří na Facebooku mezi 20 nejsledovanějších hudebních kapel vůbec? Až za nimi jsou jména jako KoRn či U2.

|  | 01 - Slipknot Pentex sucks! Pentex sucks!! They drain the life force of my tribe Pentex sucks!
Bonegnawers suck! Bonegnawers suck!! They roll around in garbage bins All bonegnawers suck!!
(Pentex is bleeding but night is falling)
The Black Hand sucks! The Black Hand sucks!! Those wyrm-tainted bastard leeches Black Hand sucks!
If I had my way! If I had my way! I'd rend them all ripped and torn ALL THAT SUCKS DIES!!
(Sweet smell bleeding glow is melting me)
I bring my klave into battle Shifting into Crinos - I slay wyrmfoe Then I step sideways....
You can't see me, for I hide within the Umbra
02 - Gently Gently, my mind escapes into the relaxing world of pleasure, a pleasure that'll take my mind off the reality of my life, my past life... life as I know it now.
And whatever may come, it slowly disappears to somewhere in the back of my mind. It will remain there, until I wish to retrieve it.
Yes, I will stay here for a while, for I need the break. A break from the pressures of life, and everything that lays in the palm of life's hands. This mode is incredible. It's out of this world. Too bad I must always leave it... ... but that's life.
03 - Do Nothing / Bitchslap The system has failed and you have failed with it No time to care, just time to say "Who gives a shit?" My mind boils as I've decided I'm through Fuck your position in life. I'm taking vengeance on you
I break down the walls of the political arena Cast the vote on FN-FAL, yeah, we'll be seein' ya! (protect yourself)
I want to put a cap right in your asshole You step to this, you're gonna pass For a lump of dogshit in the grass So, be on your way and get some class
Chop down the big-wigs, shoot the telelvisions, too My mind boils in life as I've decided I'm through The guilty of crimes will be hung from the trees Spit and punches arise from you and me Sit back and do nothing if that's what you want to do I will have my reign as king, when I take vengeance on you
04 - Only One Pain. Made to order. Pain.
Sittin', slappen, scatt'n on my back, try'n to relax Think'n about the facts of the crack runnin' through the pack Division in thought about the war to be fought For tryin' to mend the ranks, still I get no thanks They say they mean no disrespect, but dis' is in effect I take to heart the part I play everyday Uninformed is one thing, stupid is another Keep runnin' your mouth, but don't call me brother
I'm try'n to find someone on my side 'cause bang'n heads all the time starts to grind at my gear and at my will But persistent I am still So when one insubordinate fucker tries to test me Blow to the head, then an entrail rend Guts on the floor, but you want more Show you the strength of the tenth rank Pain is the only way to teach kids these days Opened your eyes. Now realized. Talk back to me. Your punk-ass dies.
Only one of us walks away
I'm all you know. Where will you go. Valhalla is gone. With your soul. Only one of us walks away
05 - Tattered And Torn Tattered and torn That's where my soul is worn Tattered and torn That's when I was born Tattered and torn I broke away from me Tattered and torn I knocked me to my knees Tattered and torn I drink my own cells Tattered and torn A decomposing well Tattered and torn Roaches in my head Tattered and torn I become the living dead Tattered and torn, torn Tearing myself apart From the things that make me hurt
06 - Confessions I know you don't want to see. I know you're not part of me But you wonder just the same. So I'll let you in on this game
What's on the top is just the beginning of the protectorate that keeps Gaia spinning It never ends, and with the gifts Luna sends, to the apocalypse On we defend for the right to live in a perfect world For our past mistakes, extinction we are hurled Trying to make amends for the Impergium, as Weaver and the Wyld and a bitch called the Wyrm
(You don't want to know) All the power of the Wyld that runs through me, yet the reason why is an answer that eludes me
(You don't want to see) Our viewpoint on what homo s. is doing, that black inside when frenzy is brewing
(You don't want to feel) The sorrow that my heart holds in knowing just where my hopes and dreams are going
(I won't let you be) Caught up in a war that you are not part of. I sign this letter Your Father, With Love.
I'm trying to set my mind free. I'm sorry you never knew me. My soul is in recession. Painful to make this confession.
07 - Some Feel Some feel I don't exist Never believing in what they see Some feel that I am not fair I leave no time for repentance
Tearing the vail, mending the vail Tearing the vail Some feel I bare the mark of man A misguided philosophy Some feel I kill for fun I kill for life!
I can't escape what Gaia's left for me / No more I can't deny the lack of morality / No less Need time to think need time to think Need to spill blood so I can drink Take whay they give take what they give Some feel I'm dead yet still I live
They don't know I'm immortal They don't know they're just cattle They don't know I'm eternal
08 - Killers Are Quiet Cycle of life and death supposedly Goes 'round and 'round yet it stops with me Glorious hunter of my faith I have sinned Killers are quiet like the the breath of the wind
Filling the shadows with forms of my own Raised by kindred of Get I was born Abomination world in disarray Killers are quiet when they seek the vitae
Reflection beckons a portal shard Spiritual quest I must stay in guard Stepping sideways betweens worlds I shift Killers are quiet when they are born with the gift
Beautiful Anguish cast out by my race Now one that's Ageless I save my own face I write my own laws with Death I break bread Killers are quiet when they come from my head.
| Slipknot:
|  | 01 - 742617000027 The whole thing I think is sick
02 - (SIC) Enemy - Show me what you wanna be I can handle anything Even if I can't handle you Readily - Either way it better be Don't you fuckin' pity me Get up, get off... What the hell am I sayin'? I don't know about malevolent Sure as hell decadent I want somebody to step up, step off Walls! Let me fall! FUCK YOU ALL! Get a grip, don't let me slip 'til I drop the ball
I - I want it all! Fuck this shit, I'm sick of it You're goin' down, this is a war!
Who the fuck am I to criticize your twisted state of mind? You're leavin' me suspect - I'm leavin' you grotesque Feels like a burn from which you never learn Cause and effect, you jealous ass Press your face against the glass - SUFFER!
I - I want it all! Fuck this shit, I'm sick of it You're goin' down, this is a war! I've just begun It's about that time Gotta get mine
03 - Eyeless Insane - Am I the only muthafucker with a brain? I'm hearing voices but all they do is complain How many times have you wanted to kill Everything and everyone - Say you'll do it but never will
You can't see California without Marlon Brando's eyes
I am my Father's son He's a phantom, a mystery and that leaves me NOTHING! How many times have you wanted to die? It's too late for me. All you have to do is get rid of me!
You can't see California without Marlon Brando's eyes
It's all in your head It's all in my head It's all in your head
I tried - You lied to me for so long Everywhere I go, there's a sense of it Freak on my antics and give me a choice Doesn't matter if I give a shit It's shit that you gave me
You can't see California without Marlon Brando's eyes
It's all in your head It's all in my head It's all in your head Do you wanna feel pain? Takin' my name in vain Caring never felt so lame inside Anybody else got pride? Do you wanna take my life? Maybe I'll reverse my ride Who the hell are you? FUCK YOU! Better suck it up cuz you bled through Better get away from me Stay the fuck away from me!
I feel safe - Seems your saved LOOK ME IN MY BRAND NEW EYE
04 - Wait And Bleed I've felt the hate rise up in me... Kneel down and clear the stone of leaves... I wander out where you can't see... Inside my shell, I wait and bleed...
I wipe it off on tile, the light is brighter this time Everything is 3D blasphemy My eyes are red and gold, the hair is standing straight up This is not the way I pictured me I CAN'T CONTROL MY SHAKES! How the hell did I get here? Something about this, so very wrong... I have to laugh out loud, I wish I didn't like this Is it a dream or a memory?
GET OUTTA MY HEAD CUZ I DON'T NEED THIS! Why I didn't I see this? I'm a victim - Manchurian Candidate I - HAVE - SINNED - BY - JUST Makin' my mind up and takin' your breath away
You haven't learned a thing I haven't changed a thing My flesh was in my bones The pain was always free I've felt the hate rise up in me... Kneel down and clear the stone of leaves... I wander out where you can't see... Inside my shell, I wait and bleed...
05 - Surfacing Running out of ways to run I can't see, I can't be Over and over and under my skin All this attention is DOING ME IN! FUCK IT ALL! FUCK THIS WORLD! FUCK EVERYTHING THAT YOU STAND FOR! DON'T BELONG! DON'T EXIST! DON'T GIVE ME A SHIT! DON'T EVER JUDGE ME! Picking through the parts exposed Taking shape, taking shag Over and over and under my skin All this momentum is DOING ME IN!
You got all my love, livin' in your own hate Drippin' hole man, hard step, no fate Show you nuthin', but I ain't holdin' back Every damn word I say is a sneak attack When I get my hands on you Ain't a fuck thing you can do Get this cuz you're never gonna get me I am the very disease you pretend to be
I am the push that makes you move
06 - Spit It Out Since you never gave a damn in the first place Maybe it's time you had the tables turned Cuz in the interest of all involved I got the problem solved And the verdict is guilty...
...MAN NEARLY KILLED ME Steppin' where you fear to tread Stop, drop and roll - you were DEAD FROM THE GIT-GO! BIG MOUTH FUCKER - STUPID COCKSUCKER Are you scared of me now? Then you're dumber than I thought Always is, never was Foundation made of piss and vinegar Step to me, I'll smear ya -Think I fear ya? BULLSHIT! Just another dumb punk chompin' at this tit Is there any way to break through the noise? Was it something that I said that got you bent? It's gotta be that way if you want it Sanity, Literal Profanity HIT ME!
SPIT - IT OUT All you wanna do is drag me down All I wanna do is stamp you out
Maybe it's the way you spread a lotta rumour fodder Keepin' all your little spies and leavin' when you realise Step up, fairy I guess it's time to bury your ass with the chrome Straight to the dome You heard me right, bitch, I didn't stutter If you know what's good - sit, shut up and beg, brother Backstab - Don't you know who you're dissin'? Side swipe - we know THE ASS THAT YOU'RE KISSIN'! BIGIDY-BIGGIDY BITCH BOY, HALFWAY HAUSER Can't hear shit cuz I keep gettin' louder Step up, and you get a face full o' tactic Lippin' off hard, goin' home in a basket You got no pull, no power, no NUTHIN' Now you start shit? Well, ain't that somethin'? Payoffs don't protect, and you can't hide if you want But I'LL FIND YOU - Comin' up behind you!
SPIT - IT OUT All you wanna do is drag me down All I wanna do is stamp you out
'Bout time I set this record straight All the needlenose punchin' is makin' me irate Sick o' my bitchin' fallin' on deaf ears Where YOU gonna be in the next five years? The crew and all the fools, and all the politix Get your lips ready, gonna gag, gonna make you sick You got DICK when they passed out the good stuff Bam Are you sick of me? GOOD ENOUGH - HAD ENOUGH
FUCK ME! I'm all out of enemies! FUCK ME! I'm all out of enemas!
SPIT - IT OUT All you wanna do is drag me down All I wanna do is stamp you out
07 - Tattered And Torn Kill Me Tattered and torn Something aches Tattered and torn Bad things slither Tattered and torn My floors are burning down Tattered and torn And I can't find a window Tattered and torn This is medieval Tattered and torn This is cerebral Tattered and torn Suffocated Tattered and torn Melodramatic
Tattered and torn Driven to the verge of Tattered and torn I make you my enemy The nerves you sever Tattered and torn Can serve you better
Tattered and torn In the blink of an eye Tattered and torn In the space of a second Tattered and torn Open my wrists Tattered and torn Give me my lessons Tearing myself apart From the things that make me hurt!
08 - Me Inside Giving in to what has got me Feeling claustrophobic, scarred Severed me from all emotion Life is just too fucking hard SNAP! Your face was all it took Cuz this need ain't doin' me no good Fall on my face, but can't you see? This fucking life is KILLING ME!
Tearing me / Inside
Leaving you to criticize Empty shell and running naked All alone... lobotomized Back and forth between my hang-ups It isn't easy to be hated Where do ya go? Whaddya do? Simpleton, impromptu, crazy eight I never cared, not once Gotta get away!
Tearing me / Inside
I wasn't promised a thing YOU KEEP MOCKING ME But you will never again BEFORE YOU KNOW IT - AFTER YOU'RE GONE
Somos feos apestamos y pero reinamos joto muthafucka
09 - Liberate Liberate - My madness (One of me, all of you) Liberate - My madness I just want to...
Section off myself Put a wall up/What the hell have I done Keep the dog at bay Survive by saving me! Values and the game Not a fuck-up - Not a part of your lie I am one, I am all - I'm above and beyond!
Back off of the shit Stand off or I'll spit So soft, you forget Your garbage in is garbage out You don't give a shit I won't play the fit Get off, get on this Your garbage in is garbage out
Liberate my madness...
Liberate - My madness (One of me, all of you) Liberate - My madnessv I just want to...
I am not ashamed What is vital, isn't always humane You can break in vain But you can't break away Even in my face Lotta bullshit, not alotta the truth I can't see from here But I can smell your fear
Back off of the shit Stand off or I'll spit So soft, you forget Your garbage in is garbage out You don't give a shit I won't play the fit Get off, get on this Your garbage in is garbage out
Saved - You're such a slave - I don't expect a Name - You don't care - I wasn't witness - I can't be a part of a system such as this Hard eyes - Glow right - In my - Darkness - Again With the sickness, rengade blisters, sisters, Salivate, litigate, liberate, madness, sadness Fuck this - How long have I had this? I don't need this - Outta my business Insert, engage, betrayed, MY GOD FRAUD
Liberate - My madness (One of me, all of you) Liberate - My madness I just want to...
10 - Prosthetics Even if you run... I will find you I decided I wanted you Now I know...I NEED If you can't be bought, tougher than I thought Keep in mind - I am with you Never left out fate, can't concentrate Even if you run...
YOU WILL BE MINE! Ah, fucking you will be mine! Ah, fucking you will be mine! Ah, fucking you will be mine!
Leanin' out of an open window You laughed (my fingers clenched) Too perfect, far too careless I couldn't help myself - I just took you
DAMMIT MAN I KNEW IT WAS A MISTAKE (You brought it outta me)
Better make yourself at home You're here to stay You won't bother me...If you let me bother you All the doors are locked, all the windows shut KEEP IN MIND - I watch you Never leave my side, never leave me, fucker Even if you run
What the fuck is different? Man, I can't believe I'm doin' this
DAMMIT MAN I KNEW IT WAS A MISTAKE (You brought it outta me)
11 - No Life My freedom is best Whole country's on house arrest And everyone's a suspect You can't feel the flow because you died Face down on a "suicide" The muthafucker's on self-destruct Nobody guardin' your back, it's all a front SAVE THIS! MY RAGE IS BLISS! I'M TAKIN' NAMES AND GETTIN' PISSED!
Where's Chuck D when ya need him? You ain't shit, just a puddle on the Bed spread The maniac psycho Cool j screamed the shit But I still can't believe it Man, it's funny that you scare me so Just enough to fuck me up again and again Hard life is hard as hell Better back the fuck on up Cuz this is...
No kind of life! This is no kind of life! (I've got to get out!) It's no kind of life! This is no kind of life! (You can't blame me!)
Can't be real no more - Your mask is skin and bone Savor every flavor you want cuz it's not your own Bad-ass at bat, man Forget about the battle, it's the war we gotta win Breathe! Amer-cult, Breathe! One more - Seethe! Freak like you gotta pair Won't be my fault When you're painted in the corner of a no-good life This is... No kind of life! This is no kind of life! (I've got to get out!) It's no kind of life! This is no kind of life! (You can't blame me!)
I can't remember, I don't understand, Is it malice that makes you this way? Carry it with you 'til someone forgives you I laugh cuz there's nothing to say YOU CAN'T BEGIN TO CONSIDER THE PALPABLE HATE IN THE AIR WHEN YOU'RE HERE None of us wonder what weather you're under You're making it perfectly clear!
Lights ain't on - shit ain't right Never had peace so I had to fight Can you look in my eyes when my back's against The wall, slash at my eyes, surprise, you'll never get me You're all reality and sound bites And the freedom is never in plain sight The feelings, the question, the price is too Human, for fucking sake - This is...
No kind of life! This is no kind of life! (I've got to get out!) It's no kind of life! This is no kind of life! (You can't blame me!)
13 - Only One Pain! - made to order!
I'm not the second coming, I'm the first wave Better get an army, cuz the fire left me unscathed You betcha bottom dollar I'm the top of the shit pile So stick around cuz I'll get to you in just a few Step off the achtung, get back or get stung Idiotic sense of yourself, are you that dumb? Entire legion of me, totalitarian The one and only muthafucka, top of the world man
Cuz I can't stand it - Planned it - Gonna crash land it In other words, consider me branded Another version of me, another version of you Both barrels - what you gonna do?
All I hear is human noise You made your own fuckin' choice I belong to only me Silence for my revelry
I can over die over time Filthy hands, stay away from mine Every reason is a right to hate Painful clutch - death is fine, gimme mine
Only one of us walks away!
Somebody explain this You don't care cuz you don't exist What the fuck is this another joke? Reckoning!
Only one of us walks away!
11 - No Life My freedom is best Whole country's on house arrest And everyone's a suspect You can't feel the flow because you died Face down on a "suicide" The muthafucker's on self-destruct Nobody guardin' your back, it's all a front SAVE THIS! MY RAGE IS BLISS! I'M TAKIN' NAMES AND GETTIN' PISSED!
Where's Chuck D when ya need him? You ain't shit, just a puddle on the Bed spread The maniac psycho Cool j screamed the shit But I still can't believe it Man, it's funny that you scare me so Just enough to fuck me up again and again Hard life is hard as hell Better back the fuck on up Cuz this is...
No kind of life! This is no kind of life! (I've got to get out!) It's no kind of life! This is no kind of life! (You can't blame me!)
Can't be real no more - Your mask is skin and bone Savor every flavor you want cuz it's not your own Bad-ass at bat, man Forget about the battle, it's the war we gotta win Breathe! Amer-cult, Breathe! One more - Seethe! Freak like you gotta pair Won't be my fault When you're painted in the corner of a no-good life This is... No kind of life! This is no kind of life! (I've got to get out!) It's no kind of life! This is no kind of life! (You can't blame me!)
I can't remember, I don't understand, Is it malice that makes you this way? Carry it with you 'til someone forgives you I laugh cuz there's nothing to say YOU CAN'T BEGIN TO CONSIDER THE PALPABLE HATE IN THE AIR WHEN YOU'RE HERE None of us wonder what weather you're under You're making it perfectly clear!
Lights ain't on - shit ain't right Never had peace so I had to fight Can you look in my eyes when my back's against The wall, slash at my eyes, surprise, you'll never get me You're all reality and sound bites And the freedom is never in plain sight The feelings, the question, the price is too Human, for fucking sake - This is...
No kind of life! This is no kind of life! (I've got to get out!) It's no kind of life! This is no kind of life! (You can't blame me!)
14 - Scissors I play doctor for five minutes flat Before I cut my heart open...and let the air out Three bugs, a pound of dust Some wind spilled before me In the strangest manner that had Broke away my tear spout
It's hard to stay between the lines of skin Just cuz I have nerves, don't mean that I can feel I wasn't very much fun to be with anyway Just let the blood run red CUZ I CAN'T FEEL!
Biding my time until the time is right Biding my time until the time is right Biding my time until the time is right Biding my time... It's time
15 - Eeyore Meet the man that made me Greet the can I came from Oh the fucking sacred heart of Jesus BLEW it in the back room Feelin' like a real goon Slam the fuck aside, man I'M ON - YOU'RE NOT
Good riddance - though I'm sad to say I didn't get to kill you Rhetoric - Better look both ways I gotta get an arm through STAIN What the fuck is up? Get the fuck away Run if you want to Innocent? You're a guilty conscience Laugh last - break through STAIN
Prepare you fucker
I don't give a shit, bitch I don't give a fuck, bitch I don't understand, bitch You don't matter I don't give a fuck, man I don't give a shit, man I don't really care, man I'm the super sized man
16 - Purity Maze...psychopathic daze...I create this waste Back away from tangents, on the verge of drastic ways...can't escape this place...I deny your face Sweat gets in my eyes, I think I'm slowly dying
Put me in a homemade cellar Put me in a hole for shelter Someone hear me please, all I see is hate I can hardly breathe, and I can hardly take it
Lost...ran at my own cost...hearing laughter, scoffed Learning from the rush, detached from such and such Bleak...all around me, weak...listening, incomplete I am not a dog, but I'm the one your dogging
I am in a buried kennel I have never felt so final Someone find me please, losing all reserve I am fucking gone, I think I'm fucking dying
You all stare, but you'll never see There is something inside me There is something in you I despise
Cut me - show me - enter - I am willing and able and never any danger to myself Knowledge in my pain, knowledge in my pain Or was my tolerance a phase? Empathy, out of my way I can't die
17 - Get This I don't like a fuckin' thing! Music sucks dick Suck the snot end of the tip of my prick You fucking cunts, get off of my back I don't wanna do a show with your shitty fuckin' band - You suck, they suck, guess what, get fucked I can't think of any other words to say but fuck Don't drag our opinions, our opinions are great It's new school face muthafuckers I hate
Don't berate me - Cuz you can't stop me From breakin' your face - It's you I'll erase It's Hate - Muthafucker - Hate - Muthafucker - Hate
Life's so shitty, but ain't it fuckin' great?
| Iowa:
|  | 02 - People = Shit Here we go again, motherfucker
Come on down, and see the idiot right here Too fucked to beg and not afraid to care What's the matter with calamity anyway? Right? Get the fuck outta my face Understand that I can't feel anything It isn't like I wanna sift through the decay I feel like a would, like I got a fuckin' Gun against my head, you live when I'm dead
One more time, mother fucker
Everybody hates me now, so fuck it Blood's on my face and my hands, and I Don't know why, I'm not afraid to cry But that's none of your business Whose life is it? Get it? See it? Feel it? Eat it? Spin it around so i can spit in its face I wanna leave without a trace Cuz I don't wanna diein this place
People = Shit People = Shit (Whatcha gonna do?) People = Shit (Cuz I am not afraid of you) People = Shit (I'm everything you'll never be) People = Shit It never stops - you can't be everything to everyone Contagion - I'm sittin' at the side of Satan What do you want from me? They never told me the failure I was meant to be Overdo it - don't tell me you blew it Stop your bitchin' and fight your way through it I'M - NOT - LIKE - YOU - I - JUST - FUCK - UP
C'mon mother fucker, everybody has to die
People = Shit People = Shit (Whatcha gonna do?) People = Shit (Cuz I am not afraid of you) People = Shit (I'm everything you'll never be) People = Shit
03 - Disasterpiece I wanna slit your throat and fuck the wound I wanna push my face in and feel the swoon I wanna dig inside, find a little bit of me Cuz the line gets crossed when you don't come clean
My wormwood meets your pesticide You'll never get out, coz you were never alive I am infinite, I am the infant finite Come a little closer and I'll show you why
(NO ONE IS - SAFE) Noises, noises, people make noises people make noises when they're sick Nothing to do except hold on to NOTHING
How does it feel to be locked inside another dream That never had a chance of being realized? What the fuck are you lookin' at? I'll tell you what you're lookin' at Everyone you ever fuckin' laughed at
Look in my eyes for the answers - typical I can feel it underneath like a miracle Everybody in the world needs more than Lies and consequences to poser them Once again, it's me and no one else I can't remember if there was a someone else It's not mine, it's not fair, it's outta my hands And it's shaking - you'll never take me
(NO ONE IS - SAFE) Noises, noises, people make noises People make noises when they're sick Nothing to do except hold on to NOTHING
(HATE) Hate ain't enough to describe me (SCREAM) Somewhere between screaming and crying I'm not supposed to behere I'm not supposed to be
(WHY) When do I get to know why? (BITTER) Bitter as the stink of when I try I'm not supposed to be here I'm not supposed to be
Pull your hands away I'm gone - goodbye - it's so depressing Withering away Take a look - inside - my soul is missing All I have is dead, so I'll take you with me Feel like I'm erased - so kill me just in case (COVET) Everything around me's mine (STY) Can't see through the sties in my eyes I'm not supposed to be here I'm not supposed to be
(DOWN) Scratching and clawing all the way (STAY) You won't let me fucking stay I'm not supposed to be here I'm not supposed to be
(LIVE) Is there another way to live? (DIE) Cuz it's the only way to die I'm not supposed to be here I'm not supposed to be
04 - My Plague I'm in conniptions for the final act you came here for The one derivative you manage is the one I abhor I need a minute to elaborate for everyone the Everyday bullshit things that you have done
Your impossible ego fuck is like a Megalomaniacal tab on my tongue You fuckin' touch me I will rip you apart I'll reach in and take a bite out of that Shit you call a heart...
I don't mind being ogled, ridiculed Made to feel miniscule If you consider the source, it's kinda pitiful The only thing you really know about me is... ...that's all you'll ever know
I know why you blame me (yourself) I know why you plague me (yourself)
I'm turning it around like a knife in the shell I wanna understand why, but I'm hurting myself I haven't seen a lotta reasons to stop it I can't just drop it I'm just a bastard, but at least I admit it At least I admit it
I know why you blame me (yourself) I know why you plague me (yourself)
Kill you - fuck you - I will never be you Kill you - fuck you - I will never be you I can't fuckin' take it anymore A snap of the synapse And now it's fuckin' war Kill you - fuck you - I will never be you
05 - Everything Ends You are wrong, fucked, and overrated I think I'm gonna be sick and it's your fault This is the end of EVERYTHING You are the end of EVERYTHING I haven't slept since I woke up And found my whole life was a lie, motherfucker This is the end of EVERYTHING You are the end of EVERYTHING
Shallow skin, I can paint with pain I mark the trails on my arms with your disdain Everyday it's the same - I LOVE, YOU HATE But I guess I don't care any more... Fix my problems with the blade While my eyes turn from blue to gray God, the worst thing happened to me today But I guess I don't care anymore... You are wrong, fucked, and overrated I think I'm gonna be sick and it's your fault This is the end of EVERYTHING You are the end of EVERYTHING I haven't slept cince I woke up And found my whole life was a lie, motherfucker This is the end of EVERYTHING You are the end of EVERYTHING
My flaws are the only thing left that's pure Can't really live, can't really endure Everything I see reminds me of her God I wish I didn't care anymore The more I touch, the less I feel I'm lying to myself that it's not real Why is everybody making such a big fucking deal? I'm never gonna care anymore
What the hell am I doing? Is there anyone left in my life? What the fuck was I thinking? Anybody want to tell me I'm fine? Where the hell am I going? Do I even need a reason to hide? I am only betrayed I am only conditioned to die
06 - The Heretic Anthem I'm a pop star threat and I'm not dead yet Got a super dred bet with an angel drug head Like a dead beat winner, I want to be a sinner An idolized bang for the industry killer A hideous man that you don't understand Throw a suicide party and I'm guaranted to fucking snap It's evilsonic, it's pornoholic Breakdowns, obscenities, it's all I wanna be
If you're 555, then I'm 666 If you're 555, I'm 666 (What's it like to be a heretic?)
Everybody's so infatuated Everybody's so completely sure of what we are Everybody defamates from miles away But face to face, they haven't got a thing to say I bleed for this and I bleed for you Still you look in my face like I'm somebody new TOY - nobody wants anything I've got Which is fine, because you're made of Everything - I'm - NOT
If you're 555, then I'm 666 If you're 555, I'm 666 (What's it like to be a heretic?)
30 seconds, 16, 8, 4, lemme tell you why I haven't the slightest, I'm teaching your brightest They're listening, clamoring All the money in the world can't buy me GO AHEAD, LIE TO ME Tell me again how you're tortured I wanna know how you followed your orders so well You're full of SHIT You had a dream, but this ain't it
If you're 555, then I'm 666 If you're 555, I'm 666 (What's it like to be a heretic?)
07 - Gently Gently, my mind escapes into the relaxing world of pleasure, a pleasure that'll take my mind off the reality of my life, my past life... life as I know it now.
And whatever may come, it slowly disappears to somewhere in the back of my mind. It will remain there, until I wish to retrieve it.
Yes, I will stay here for a while, for I need the break. A break from the pressures of life, and everything that lays in the palm of life's hands.
This mode is incredible. It's out of this world. Too bad I must always leave it... ... but that's life.
08 - Left Behind I've known faces that have disappeared in time Find me wrapped in glass and slowly soaked in lime All my friends have pictures made to make you cry I've seen this and wondered what I've done to Calcify... (I ignore you) As I close my eyes, I feel it all slipping away (I come toward you) We all got left behind, we let it all slip away
I can't stand to see your thalidomide robot face Don't even try it! You had be a liar just to Infiltrate me - I'm still drowning
(I ignore you) As I close my eyes, I feel it all slipping away (I come toward you) We all got left behind, we let it all slip away
Take...this...away... I can feel it on my mouth I can taste you on my fingers I can hear you like the holy ghost And kill you if you get too close!
09 - The Shape Too tragic to stay with you Too static to try for you These scars, they swallow hard The part of the past that's hollow and dark Too horrid to kill for you Too sordid to die with you Unstable as always, come down Everything else is just dust and sound
SEPARATE (I've lost my only way) SEPARATE (I've lost my only way) SEPARATE (I've lost my only way) SEE THE SHAPE (Broken and thrown away)
I'd give it all away, come take it all away You can't resent the fear Somebody tell me how I got here I'd give it all to you, come take it, it's all for you The noise is so damn loud, but Everything else is just dust and sound
I don't wanna do this anymore Everything's shit - everything's been taken Forsaken - gotta start it over cuz I'm hearing it Backwards - DON'T make sense - DON'T feel better Who's better? It's not that simple You gotta figure it out before you make things difficult It's not a word, it's a problem, the problem was easy Draw your conclusions - solutions? Anybody else wanna run? Contorting, distorting - I am undone One less propaganda nightmare fixture Are you getting the picture?
10 - I Am Hated The whole world is my enemy - and I'm a walking target Two times the devil with all the significance Dragged and raped for the love of a mob I can't stay - because I can't be stopped Eat motherfuckers alive who cross us I know you're all tired of the same ol' bosses Let me tell you how it's gonna be I'm gonna kill anyone who steps up in front of me
Welcome to the same ol' fucking scam Same ol' shit in a dead fad
Everybody wants to be so hard Are you real or a second rate sports card? They all lost their dad or their wife just died They never got to go outside - SHUT UP Nobody gives a fuck it doesn't change the fact that you suck
(We are) The anti-cancer (We are) The only answer Stripped down, we want you dead But what's inside of me, you'll never know (We are) Bipolar gods (We are) You know what we are My life was always shit And I don't think I need this anymore
Now I'm not pretty and I'm not cool But I'm fat and I'm ugly and proud - so fuck you Standing out is the new pretension Sreamline the (sic)ness, half-assed aggression You gotta see it to believe it, we all got conned All the mediocre sacred cows we spawned Put your trust in the mission We will not repent - this is our religion
(We are) The anti-cancer (We are) The only answer Stripped down, we want you dead But waht's inside of me, you'll never know (We are) Bipolar gods (We are) You know what we are My life was always shit And I don't think I need this anymore
Everything sucks and I can prove it Everybody dies, shuffle on, remove it Idividuals, indispensable I'm the paradox deity vessel ...the other side holds no secret But this side is done, I don't need it Before you go, you should know you're breaking down You'll be rotten by the time you're underground
(We are) The anti-cancer (We are) The only answer Stripped down, we want you dead But what's inside of me, you'll never know (We are) Bipolar gods (We are) You know what we are My life was always shit And I don't think I need this anymore
(We Are) The source of conscience (We Are) Distorted sentients There's only one thing left And I can't leave until it's sated (We Are) The absolute (We Are) Controlling you They're closing in, I can't escape I AM HATED
11 - Skin Ticket Zero and zero is nothing but zero Cancer and people conspire together Running and running and going forever Collected and sampled, starving for zero
Come see my cage - built in my grain
Minus the inside and minus the circle Inhabit the riddle and fill in the hovel Wherein and herein, between us and near us Zero and zero is nothing but zero
Come see my cage - built-in migraine
Keeping myself alive... through your EMPATHY
12 - New Abortion I'm ethereal, my children are legion, serial They stick to my skin like beloved cysts I tear away with my nails and teeth and fists Touch the hands of inverted saints Follow my heart through the threaded pain Callow man is a sentinel screaming I see the future; the future is bleeding
Sores, every goddamn minute I can feel 'em now Like a virus, you will never kill me now Goin' underground, comin' on like hepatitis We're out - and you can't reshape us Another bug in the construct Tearin' up the main bus B Zeros and ones are everything - execute me
Everywhere you look, it's like they know Their fingerprints are hidden by CONTROL This is where the line is drawn, see YOU CAN'T TAKE MY SOUL AWAY FROM ME
What do you need to see? Ya feel the impact? Gotta retract - everybody get back What is this? It's like a big conspiracy Fields of dejected morbid progeny They always say that it's always our fault But everything we say is taken with a grain of salt Man, it's always the same, if we talk or complain We only wanna upset the balance How's it feel to be the New Abortioin? The only generation to suffer extortion
Everywhere you look, it's like they know Their fingerprints are hidden by CONTROL This is where the line is drawn, see YOU CAN'T TAKE MY SOUL AWAY FROM ME
13 - Metabolic Gone - I couldn't murder your promise Right before my eyes The revolutions of my psychosis Kept me outta the way
Once - inside - all I hold is ash...
Fail - suppressing every feeling I'm in so much pain I have every fuckin' right to hate you I can't take it!
The hardest part was knowing that I could never be you Now all I do is sit around and wish I could forget you
My demise - I took a life worth living and Made it worth a mockery I deny - I fold, but they keep on coming (Stop) I'm always ready to die But you're killing me
Who are you to me? Who am I to you? Is this a lesson in nepotistic negligence? By default, you are my only link to the outside Psychosomatic suicide Where were you when I was down? Can you show me a way... To face everyday with this face - goodbye
My demise - I took a life worth living and Made it worth a mockery I deny - I fold, but they keep on coming (Stop) I'm always ready to die But you're killing me
When I blur my eyes, they make the whole World breath - I see you fucking me And I am absolutely controlly every urge To mutilate - the one and only answer So much for memories... I wanna derss in your insecurities And be the perfect you - I'm through I'm out-stretched out for all to loathe Here we go - the ultimate irony
14 - Iowa Relax... it's over, you belong to me I fill your mouth with dirt Relax... it's over, you can never leave I take your second digit with me... Love... You are... my first, I can barely breathe I find you fascinating You are... my favorite, lay you down to sleep It's all that I can do to stop... Love... So blue... so broken, paper doll decays I haven't left you yet So cold... subversive, your eyes are full of bleach Tomorrow, I will go away again... Love... YOU ARE MINE, YOU WILL ALWAYS BE MINE I CAN TEAR YOU APART I CAN RECOMBINE YOU ALL I WANT IS TO COVET YOU ALL YOU BELONG TO ME I WILL KILL YOU TO LOVE YOU. (love)
| Vol.3: (The Subliminal Verses):
|  | 01 - Prelude 3.0 I don't know why I never told you I don't know why I never tried When we shed these bitter skins again All the reasons come to life
But now it's over...
I don't know why you never asked me I don't know why you never cared When we hide these little sins again All the reasons have to die
But now it's over...
02 - The Blister Exists Bones in the water and dust in my lungs Absorbing archaic like a sponge The ultimate way is the way you control But can you stay if you detach your soul? Bury the present and squeeze out the past The ones you endear to never last Chemical burns and the animalistic I'm just another hardline pseudo-statistic
Can you feel this? I'm dying to feel this Can you feel this?
Blood on the paper and skin on my teeth Trying to commit to what's beneath To find the time is to lose the momentum You learn the lessons and immediately forget them Automatic and out of my reach Consult all the waste to find the key Minimal life and the polysyllabic I'm just another blank page - push the button, pull the rage
Can you feel this? I'm dying to feel this Can you feel this?
I am all, but what am I? Another number that isn't equal to any of you I control, but I comply Pick me apart, then pick up the pieces I'm uneven
I am the damaged one All my life and the damage done
Can you feel this? I'm dying to feel this Can you feel this?
I am all, but what am I? Another number that isn't equal to any of you I control, but I comply Pick me apart, then pick up the pieces I'm uneven
03 - Three Nil Chaos - it's just the beginning Every promise I made I'm rescinding Center mass in the middle of the monster I'm getting tired of drowning the constant cry for help - it's debatable The only reason that you love me is I'm hated by all Come on - Come see dysfunction I guess we're gonna leave it open for discussion
Who am I? And where am I going? Maybe I'm looking in the wrong direction Maybe I'm looking for any direction This is not my war - This is not my fight This is something more - This is not my life (This is not my) Revolution (This is not my) Convolution (This is not my) Expectation (This is not my) Desperation
Holed up, scarred and tamed for the hell of it Look at me - I'm the glorified malcontent Save me? Save this! All I gotta do is give up and all is forgiven I'm sick - Of being the butt of a cosmic joke And I don't get the punch line A million people lined up for miles To see the Great Big Mouth shut up and apologize
This is not my war - This is not my fight This is something more - This is not my life (This is not my) Revolution (This is not my) Convolution (This is not my) Only reason to question why Today, I said goodbye!
Goodbye! Oh I didn't need to leave to stay right here Today I said goodbye! I am the pariah (break me) I am the liar (save me) I can take anything (make me) Accuse me of everything (take me) Cut off the system (shape me) Deny my existence (waste me) I won't be afraid (try me) I won't be unmade (deny me)
So come on - break it off Come on - buy the lie Come on - say it, say it Come on
Say goodbye!
Goodbye! Oh I didn't need to leave to stay right here Today I said goodbye! Goodbye! Oh I didn't need to leave to stay right here Today I said goodbye!
04 - Duality I push my fingers into my eyes It's the only thing that slowly stops the ache But it's made of all the things I have to take Jesus it never ends, it works it's way inside If the pain goes on...
I have screamed until my veins collapsed I've waited as my time's elapsed Now all I do is live with so much fate I've wished for this, I've bitched at that I've left behind this little fact You cannot kill what you did not create
I've gotta say what I've gotta say And then I swear I'll go away But I can't promise you'll enjoy the noise I guess I'll save the best for last My future seems like one big past You're left with me 'cause you left me no choice
(I push my fingers into my) eyes It's the only thing that slowly stops the ache If the pain goes on, I'm not gonna make it!
Put me back together or separate the skin from bone Leave me all the pieces, then you can leave me alone Tell me the reality is better than the dream But I found out the hard way - nothing is what it seems
(I push my fingers into my) eyes It's the only thing that slowly stops the ache But it's made of all the things I have to take Jesus it never ends, it works it's way inside If the pain goes on, I'm not gonna make it!
All I've got - all I've got is insane
(I push my fingers into my) eyes It's the only thing that slowly stops the ache But it's made of all the things I have to take Jesus it never ends, it works it's way inside If the pain goes on, I'm not gonna make it!
All I've got - all I've got is insane
05 - The Opium of the People Watch those idiosyncrasies Watch all the idiots fall on me Getting out of ways to get outta the way Take another shot just to stay the same But I need some balance - Back it off Fill your lungs 'til it makes you cough Tell me everything's gonna be alright 'Cause I don't think I'll make it through tonight
The only way - Is all the way
Oh - my - God It's judgement day and I'm not prepared Everybody out there's running scared So - Take a little bit off the top I don't care, just make it stop
I won't give another soul... to you I won't give another life... to you You have to stop Stop!
Do one thing and say something cryptic But the styles always clash One thing I know for sure The hypothetical won't work anymore One wrong move and they will pound! My nails are tight inside my wrists This sacrament is sacrilege and sentimental Deity experimental - Faith is accidental
I won't give another soul... to you I won't give another life... to you I won't give another thought... to you I won't give anymore of my hope... to you
06 - Circle Give me the dust of my fathers Stand on the face of the ancients Bare the secret flesh of time itself
Follow me... I've come so far, I'm behind again Follow me... I Wish so hard, I'm there again
Follow me...
All that I wanted were things I had before All that I needed, I never needed more All of my questions are answers to my sins And all of my endings are waiting to begin
I know the way, but I faulter I can't be afraid of my patience There's a sacred place Razel keeps safe
Follow me... I've seen so much I'm blind again Follow me... I feel so bad I'm alive again Follow me...
All that I wanted were things I had before All that I needed, I never needed more All of my questions are answers to my sins And all of my endings are waiting to begin
07 - Welcome I am a product - of your conduct The uncontrollable urges that made me Have made us all - Are you proud? Do you even care? You taught us all to lie - that's how we made it here You should've buried the truth with your secrets But you were far to impressed with your pretense Now as far as I know, I don't know anything 'Cause you made damn sure I wasn't anything
Distractions, reactions The only way to go is to go away Discarded, retarded Before I let you go, you have to let me
Clawed away from human clay We are the broken shards, the art disarray Before you condemn, you rape them, feed us meconium Stunt our growth from our souls to our throats - cut! You shouldn't wall us up with your apathy But you did - now you're only growing enemies This is the catalyst, the alpha, the first breed 'Cause you made damn sure - Now we're everything
Distractions, reactions The only way to go is to go away Discarded, retarded Before I let you go, you have to let me
Much to my surprise, I will wake up And follow the path of the ones I am made of But this time... I won't give in I will save you from my sins
Ensconced... in all that's wrong I slam you shut... I can only take so much How many times do I have to mistreat you? Constantly biting my hand as I feed you Maybe now you'll understand severity I'll sum it up with the best amount of brevety
Welcome to the transformation Welcome to annihilation Welcome to the man that wanted everything but couldn't have it!
Distractions, reactions The only way to go is to go away Discarded, retarded Before I let you go, you have to let me
Much to my surprise, I will wake up And follow the path of the ones I am made of But this time... I won't give in I will save you from my sins
08 - Vermilion She seems dressed in all the rings... of past fatalities So fragile, yet so devious - she continues to see climatic hands that press her temples and my chest Enter the night that she came home - forever
She is everything and more, the solemn hypnotic My dahlia, bathed in possesion - she is home to me I get nervous, perverse, when I see her, it's worse But the stress is astounding It's now or never, she's coming home - forever
Oh... She's the only one that makes me sad
Hard to say what caught my attention Fixed and crazy - aphid attraction Carve my name in my face - to recognize Such a pheromone cult to terrorize I won't let this build up inside of me...
I'm a slave and I am a master No restraints and unchecked collectors I exist to my need - to self-oblige She is something in me - that I despise
I won't let this build up inside of me...
She isn't real - I can't make her real
09 - Pulse of the Maggots This is the year where hope fails you The test subjects run the experiment And the bastards you know is the hero you hate But cohesing is possible if we try There's no reason, there's no lesson No time like the present, tell me right now What have you got to lose What have you got to lose, except your soul Who's with us
I fight for the unconventional My right and it's unconditional I can only be as real as i can The disadvantage is I never knew the plan this isn't just a way to be a martyr I can't walk alone any longer I fight for the ones who can't fight and if I lose, at least I tried!
We are the new diabolic We are the bitter bucolic If I have to give my life, you can have it We are the pulse of the maggots I won't be the inconsequential I won't be the wasted potential I can make it as severe as I can Until you realize, you'll never take a stand It isn't just a one-sided version We've dealt with a manic subversion I won't let the truth be perverted And I won't leave another victim deserted
We are the new diabolic We are the bitter bucolic If I have to give my life, you can have it We are the pulse of the maggots
(Do you understand?) Yes
Say it again, say it again (We won't die)
We fight 'til no one can fight us We live and no one can stop us We pull when we're pushed too far And the advantage is, the bottom line is We never had to fight in the first place We only had to spit back in their face We won't walk alone any longer What doesn't kill us only makes us stronger
We are the new diabolic We are the bitter bucolic If I have to give my life, you can have it We are the pulse of the maggots
(Do you understand?) Yes
Say it again, say it again (We won't die)
10 - Before I Forget Stapled shut - Inside an outside world And I'm sealed in tight - Bizarre but right at home I'm claustrophobic - Closing in And I'm catastrophic - Not again I'm smeared across the page and doused in gasoline I wear you like a stain, yet I'm the one who's obscene Catch me up in all your sordid little insurrections I've got no time to lose - I'm just caught up in all the cattle
Fray the strings... Throw the shapes... Hold your breath... Listen
I am a world before I am a man I was a creature before I could stand I will remember before I forget Before I forget that
I'm ripped across the ditch and settled in the dirt And I wear you like a stitch, yet I'm the one who's hurt Pay attention to your twisted little indiscretions I've got no right to win - I'm just caught up in all the battles
Locked in clutch... Pushed in place... Hold your breath... Listen
I am a world before I am a man I was a creature before I could stand I will remember before I forget Before I forget that
My end, it justifies my means All I ever do is delay My every attempt to evade The end of the road and my end It justifies my means All I ever do is delay My every attempt to evade The end of the road
I am a world before I am a man I was a creature before I could stand I will remember before I forget Before I forget that
11 - Vermilion Pt. 2 She seemed dressed in all of me Stretched across my shame All the torment and the pain Leaked through and covered me I'd do anything to have her to myself Just to have her for myself Now I don't know what to do I don't know what to do When she makes me sad
She is everything to me The unrequited dream A song that no one sings The unattainable She's a myth that I have to believe in All I need to make it real is one more reason
I don't know what to do I don't know what to do When she makes me sad
But I won't let this build up inside of me
I catch in my throat Choke Torn into pieces I won't - no I don't wanna be this
But I won't let this build up inside of me
She isn't real I can't make her real
12 - The Nameless Pathetic/BENIGN/Accept it/UNDERMINE Your opinion/MY JUSTIFICATION Happy/SAFE/Servant/CAGED Malice/UTTER WEAKNESS No toleration - invade COMMITED/Enraged/ADMIT IT Don't condescend/DON'T EVEN DISAGREE Destroy/DECAY/Disappoint/DELAY You've suffered then/NOW SUFFER UNTO ME
Obsession - take another look Remember - every chance you took Decide - either live with me Or give up - any thought you had of being free
(Don't go) I never wanted anybody more than I wanted you... (I know) The only thing I ever really loved was hate...
Anyone/NO/Anything/YES/Anyway/FALL/Anybody/MINE/ Anybody/TELL ME I want/YOU/I need/YOU/I'll have/YOU/I won't/ LET ANYBODY HAVE YOU Obey/ME/Believe/ME/Just trust/ME/Worship/ME/ Live for/ME Be grateful/NOW/Be honest/NOW/Be precious/NOW/ Be mine/JUST LOVE ME
Posession - feed my only vice Confession - I won't tell you twice Decide - either die for me Or give up - any chance you had of being free
(Don't go) I never wanted anybody more than I wanted you... (I know) The only thing I ever really loved was hurting you... (Don't go) I never wanted anybody more than I wanted you... (I know) The only thing I ever really loved was hate...
Stay inside the hole - let me take control Dominate You are nothing more - you are something less Innocent Something has to give - something has to break Omnipresent Fingers in your skin - let me savage in You deserve it
(Don't go) I never wanted anybody more than I wanted you... (I know) The only thing I ever really loved was hurting you... (Don't go) I never wanted anybody more than I wanted you... (I know) The only thing I ever really loved was hate...
You're mine (I KNOW WHO YOU ARE)
13 - The Virus of Life I can see you but you can't see me I could touch you and you wouldn't even feel me Wait a second and you'll settle down I'm just waiting 'til you really let your guard down You're relaxed, you're sublime, you're amazing You don't even know the danger that you're facing If I'm quiet, I'll slide up behind you And if you hear me, I'll enjoy trying to find you
I've been with you all day I'm trying to stay calm I'm impatient and it's really hard to breathe I'm going to empty you and fill you in with me Just keep the violence down Not yet - don't make a sound Oh, God I'm feeling it it's reaching fever pitch My skin is caving in My heart is driving out No mercy, no remorse Let nature take it's course
Watching - bring me to my knees Waiting - I am your disease Lover - Set my symptom free Covered - You won't feel a thing You can't stop me
I'm sweating through my veins I'm trying to hold on It's unbearable, it's almost worse for me I'm gonna tear you apart and make you see - make you see
Watching - bring me to my knees Waiting - I am your disease Lover - Set my symptom free Covered - You won't feel a thing You can't stop me
This is the virus, the virus of life This is inside us, the crisis, the knife This is the virus, the virus of life This is inside us, the crisis, the knife
It's almost time to play/it's time to be afraid I can't control the pain/I can't control in vain Oh God, I'm ready now/you're almost ready now I'm gonna love you now/I'm gonna put you down I see you in the dark/I see you all the way I see you in the light/I see you plain as day I wanna touch your face/I wanna touch your soul I wanna wear your face/I wanna burn your soul
Watching - bring me to my knees Waiting - I am your disease Lover - Set my symptom free Covered - You won't feel a thing You can't stop me
This is the virus, the virus of life
14 - Danger, Keep Away We too feel alone
That place in my mind Is that space that you call mine That place in my mind Is that space that you call mine
Where have I been all this time? Lost, enslaved, fatal decline. I've bee waiting for this to fold, but But pieces are only as good as the whole! I sever myself from my whole life, I cut out the only thing that was right! What if I never saw you again? I'd die right next to you in the end.
That place in my mind Is that space that you call mine That place in my mind Is that space that you call mine
I wont let you walk away Without hearing what I have to say Without hearing what I have to say Without hearing what I have to say
15 - Don't Get Close Come On!
Somebody give me some light And not punch it in the dark Somebody show me the end And I try to push to start
I'm trying to figure out A better way, a better answer But I keep finding all the problems I've been looking after
You can't wander through the world With nothing but a smile I'll take your tongue for words And use it to instill denial
Don't get close! You don't know me and you'll never know Chivalry! Will get you somewhere Rivalry! Will take you there Maybe I should look away Before I ruin this Maybe I should pick the time Before I pick the place
I'm into all the things that emulate then penalize But I don't want to go until you learn to finalize
Don't get close! You don't know me and you'll never know Chivalry! Will get you somewhere Rivalry! Will take you there
You ascertain the plot My vision's all but shot I have the best confession Always scarred for all the lessons For the quaints and the same time used Stay out and be infused I didn't want to be The undeniable souls of envy
Don't get close! [Better stay away!] Don't get close! [Better stay away!] Don't get close! [Better stay away!] Don't get close! [Better stay away!]
I see what's in all the conflicts Constrict just to fit in, squeeze in, I can insist, closed fist Remember?! Remember?!
You take the breath of life It never made much sense I have the worst possession What I won't put soul in session
Old man and be abused Because this is so confused I only want to be Left alone and rot away
Don't get close! [Better stay away!] Don't get close! [Better stay away!] Don't get close! [Better stay away!] Don't get close! [Better stay away!]
16 - Scream Scream!
Fell forth, destroy the source, Cant see and my voice is horse, Trying to wash your hands off, You should know better than to leave us in disgust,
Let me take you right to the point, All you ever do is encage in disjoint, That does it the time has arrived, Take it or leave it you better not side!
You did it again, All you ever did was doubt, What do you want? Let me tell you what it's all about,
One life Nine Hearts And Eighteen Hands that'll rip you all apart
We're here to decimate, To show you all we will never fall, Its gonna get serious.. and critical, Don't Stop because the feeling is terminal,
Scream like you never have before, Scream! Scream till you cant scream anymore, Scream ! Scream like your throat is bleeding, Scream! Scream till your heart stops beating, SCREAM FOR ME!
Get off of me, and get away, Show the whole damn world this will never die, No matter how the energies scatter, Got to know nothing exists but the dream,
Give it all, Till There's nothing left to give, Save it all, Quit saving you, If you're going to let the pain inside, Never under estimate the way you live your life,
Scream like you never have before, Scream! Scream till you cant scream anymore, Scream! Scream like your throat is bleeding, Scream! Scream till your heart stops beating, SCREAM FOR ME! Scream like you never have before,
Scream! Scream till you cant scream anymore, Scream! Scream like your throat is bleeding, Scream! Scream till your heart stops beating, SCREAM FOR ME!
All our lives, All we ever sacrificed has paid, Everything, Everything is possible to me, Why no fate, Found everything that I had to take away, Save your life, Save it all that mean something to me,
All our lives All we ever sacrificed has paid, Everything! Everything is possible to me Why no fight! Found everything that I had to take away, Save your life! Save it all and make a better way,
This stress, is a feeling that you cant compress, Everything your going through is total stress, Are you going to be a momentary run around, How will you handle their ? of stress,
All our lives, All we ever sacrificed has paid, Everything, Everything is possible to me, Why no fight, Found everything that I had to take away, Save your life, Save it all and make a better way,
All our lives, All we ever sacrificed has paid, Everything! Everything is possible to me Why no fight! Found everything that I had to take away, Save your life! Save it all and make a better way,
| All Hope is Gone:
|  | 01 - .execute. It appears that we have reached the Edge, that zenith where stimuli and comatose collide. Forty years ago, THE MAN proclaimed the Age of the Gross to be upon us, and even though THE MAN was destroying our heritage and insulting our intelligence, that era has become very real. We labor for pleasure and abhor the guilt of pressure. My generation will go down as the architects of contemporary disgust. Some have fought and died. Others have allowed the strong to be butchered for a price they themselves don’t care about and will never understand. I myself am beleaguered by the selfish face of a kind of man that is NOT MANKIND. Distrust in information. Fundamentalism of opinion. Catastrophic boredom, and a fanatical devotion to that which DOES NOT MATTER. Where is your glory now, people? Where are your gods and politicians? Where is your shame and salvation? You Rage For No Reason Because You Have No Reason. WHAT HAVE YOU EVER FOUGHT FOR? WHAT HAVE YOU EVER BLED FOR? THE FACE OF THE EARTH IS SCARRED WITH THE WALKING DEAD. THE AGE OF THE GROSS IS A LIVING VIRUS. THIS IS THE FUTURE YOU HAVE CREATED. THIS IS THE WORLD YOU HAVE SET ABLAZE. ALL YOUR LIES ARE COMING TRUE. ALL FREEDOM IS LOST. ALL HOPE IS GONE.
02 - Gematria (The Killing Name) 12/08/73 - that was all I got and now you got me
All I ever really wanted was to take the blame I will go down in History and not down in Flames Meningitis / I will survive this / Dry Sockets and a Schizophrenic Crisis The Time of The Nine has begun Get out of the way or you will suffer as one This is so TYPICAL / APOCALYPTICAL Hanging on abysmal release / Jesus I don’t need this / Don’t wanna be this Icon in the Making / My hands are fucking shaking WHAT IF GOD DOESN’T CARE? WHAT IF GOD DOESN’T CARE… Remember / Surrender / The Time is Now Continue / We’re in you… and we will BURN YOUR CITIES DOWN AMERICA IS A KILLING NAME IT DOESN’T FEEL OR DISCRIMINATE LIFE IS JUST A KILLING FIELD IT’S ALL THAT’S LEFT - NOTHING’S REAL THROW AWAY YOUR DISPOSABLE PAST AND FALL APART LIKE A CIGARETTE ASH WE ARE THE FATAL AND VITAL ONES OF THE WORLD AND WE WILL BURN YOUR CITIES DOWN WHAT IF GOD DOESN’T CARE? WHAT IF GOD DOESN’T CARE? AMERICA IS A KILLING NAME IT DOESN’T FEEL OR DISCRIMINATE LIFE IS JUST A KILLING FIELD IT’S ALL THAT’S LEFT - NOTHING’S REAL THROW AWAY YOUR DISPOSABLE PAST AND FALL APART LIKE A CIGARETTE ASH WE ARE THE FATAL AND VITAL ONES OF THE WORLD AND WE WILL BURN YOUR CITIES DOWN Down… WE WILL BURN YOUR CITIES DOWN Feed the Hungry - Feed them shit Feed them BONES and POLITICS You wanna revolutionize? Be specific and believe your eyes Start a war in another backyard And we’ll destroy your house of cards Give me a minute and I’ll change your mind Give me a bullet and I’ll change your life Remember / Surrender / The Time is Now Continue / We’re in you… And we will BURN YOUR CITIES DOWN AMERICA IS A KILLING NAME IT DOESN’T FEEL OR DISCRIMINATE LIFE IS JUST A KILLING FIELD IT’S ALL THAT’S LEFT - NOTHING’S REAL THROW AWAY YOUR DISPOSABLE PAST AND FALL APART LIKE A CIGARETTE ASH WE ARE THE FATAL AND VITAL ONES OF THE WORLD AND WE WILL BURN YOUR CITIES DOWN WE WILL BURN YOUR CITIES DOWN America… what if “God” doesn’t care?
03 - Sulfur My Guilt and My Shame always sell me short - always feel the same And My Face and My Soul always wear me thin - always under control But the longest hours you’ll have in your life Are the ones you sit through to know if you’re right So I’ll wait, but I pray that I’m wrong Because I think I know what’s going on So Let Me Get This Straight… the only will is my own I do whatever I want and stay alone All my decisions make it untouchable and tainted I’m gonna suffer for the rest of my life But I will always find a way to survive I’m not a failure, but I know what it’s like I can take it or leave it… or die STAY - You don’t always know where you stand ‘Til you know that you won’t run away There’s something inside me that feels Like Breathing in Sulfur… My Life is undone - and I’m a sinner to most but a sage to some And my Gods are Untrue - I’m probably wrong, but I’m better than you And the longest hours I’ve had in my life Were the ones I went through to know I was right So I’m safe, but I’m a little outside I’m gonna laugh when I’m buried alive STAY - You don’t always know where you stand ‘Til you know that you won’t run away There’s something inside me that feels Like Breathing in Sulfur… LIKE BREATHING IN SULFUR STAY - You don’t always know where you stand ‘Til you know that you won’t run away There’s something inside me that feels Like Breathing in Sulfur… LIKE BREATHING IN SULFUR
04 - Psychosocial I did my time and I want out - so effusive Fade / it doesn’t cut / the soul is not so vibrant The Reckoning / The Sickening Packaging Subversion / Pseudo-Sacrosanct Perversion Go drill your deserts / Go dig your graves Then fill your mouth with all the money you will save Sinking in / Getting smaller again / I’M DONE It has begun. I’m not the only one… AND THE RAIN WILL KILL US ALL… WE THROW OURSELVES AGAINST THE WALL BUT NO ONE ELSE CAN SEE THE PRESERVATION OF THE MARTYR IN ME <psychosocial> There are cracks in the road we laid, but where the temple fell, The secrets have gone mad This is nothing new, but when we killed it all, the hate was all we had Who needs another mess? We could start over Just look me in the eyes and say I’m wrong Now there’s only emptiness… venomous, insipid I think we’re done. I’m not the only one… AND THE RAIN WILL KILL US ALL… WE THROW OURSELVES AGAINST THE WALL BUT NO ONE ELSE CAN SEE THE PRESERVATION OF THE MARTYR IN ME <psychosocial> THE LIMITS OF THE DEAD Fake Anti-Fascist Lie I tried to tell you, but your purple hearts are giving out Can’t stop a killing idea if it’s hunting season Is this what you want? I’m not the only one… AND THE RAIN WILL KILL US ALL… WE THROW OURSELVES AGAINST THE WALL BUT NO ONE ELSE CAN SEE THE PRESERVATION OF THE MARTYR IN ME AND THE RAIN WILL KILL US ALL… WE THROW OURSELVES AGAINST THE WALL BUT NO ONE ELSE CAN SEE THE PRESERVATION OF THE MARTYR IN ME THE LIMITS OF THE DEAD
05 - Dead Memories Sitting in the dark, I can’t forget. Even now, I realize the time I’ll never get. Another story of the Bitter Pills of Fate. I can’t go back again. I can’t go back again… But you asked me to love you and I did. Traded my emotions for a contract to commit. And when I got away, I only got so far. The Other Me Is Dead. I hear his voice inside my head… We were never alive, and we won’t be born again. But I’ll never survive with Dead Memories in my heart. You told me to love you and I did. Tied my soul into a knot and got me to submit. So when I got away, I only kept my scars. The Other Me Is Gone. Now I don’t know where I belong… We were never alive, and we won’t be born again. But I’ll never survive with Dead Memories in my heart. Dead Visions in your Name. Dead Fingers in my Veins. Dead Memories in my Heart…
06 - Vendetta I know my uses / I have my pride / But my heart is still untamed I learned my lessons / I’ve conquered Death / I go on and I’m unashamed I’ll paint your bones to match my eyes / They’re the darkest I have ever seen Until I’m lucid, I can’t be told I know my voices / They tell me to BELIEVE Another fucking accident out of control / All the attitudes will never change My Imitations are leading the way I can’t accept that I still don’t find this strange In light of my ability to feel denial I walk away from everything with just a smile The Agony of Coming Home has gone away It’s Everywhere / It’s Everyone / It’s Every Day ARE YOU READY FOR THE TIME OF YOUR LIFE I beg your pardon / I’m out of the way / A new conspiracy has taken my place So over and over, I smell the decay Believe what you want to - The Cycle Stays The Same In light of my ability to undermine I walk away from apathy - I’m feeling fine The Agony of Cynicism beckons me It’s Everywhere / It’s Everyone / It’s Everything ARE YOU READY FOR THE TIME OF YOUR LIFE LET’S - PRETEND - WE’RE NOT AT THE END PRETEND - THAT WE HAVE NOTHING LEFT ARE YOU READY FOR THE TIME OF YOUR LIFE LET’S - PRETEND - WE’RE NOT AT THE END PRETEND - THAT WE HAVE NOTHING LEFT
07 - Butcher's Hook Contrite - Commercial - Arrogance - Leprosy Consume The Bitch - The Fucker - Mindless - Like A Child For Pity’s Sake - I’ve Had All That I Can Take We Try - But In The End We’ll See There Are No More Codes Only Who Is Shit / And Who’s Still Free I was gonna change the world with Honor and Aggression No one listened - no one cared All they saw was misdirection GO AHEAD AND DISAGREE / I’m giving up again… I DON’T WANT YOU ANYMORE I DON’T NEED YOU ANYMORE Fingerprint of God / Your new religions covet This vessel wasn’t built to last But I will live forever/ you’ll never have to say surrender Because you’re so part of it My total honesty has no place for Tomorrow Guilty pleasures give me pain Tell my people I CAN’T FOLLOW GO AHEAD AND DISAGREE / I’m giving up again… You’ll never CENSOR me / You’d better CHERISH me My REASON has a voice / Freedom’s gone but we’ll always have a CHOICE My PRESENT FUTURE TENSE / It doesn’t make much SENSE I’m coming after you / FUCK YOU ALL I’M THE ONLY POINT OF VIEW Violence and Dollar Signs / Another processed piece of shit You hide your fault in DIAMONDS and give away the only COST - you can’t delay the inevitable LOST - don’t understand the incredible path I’m losing ground - but I won’t care when I go down GO AHEAD AND DISAGREE / I’m giving up again… I’M GIVING UP AGAIN
08 - Gehenna Do you Believe? Do you Fade like a Dream? Let me hear you BREATHE Let me watch as you sleep The Sparrow’s Eyes… Promises shift into judgments I cannot deny that you were designed for my punishments The Blood and The Body - Control the cut so it’s seamless Show me your Heart - Show me the way to complete this TETHERED / to a scene I / TREASURE / can you help me? I / SEVER/ god it’s perfect, it’s / NEVER / really perfect Now… I can finally be myself Cuz I don’t want to be myself FREE MY SEVERED HEART, GIVE ME YOU - I WANT IT (I don’t want to be myself) I cannot maintain a semblance of Normal anymore I’d rather feel pain than try to fit in with you anymore I’ll throw it all away, like everybody else I can finally be myself Cuz I don’t want to be myself FREE MY SEVERED HEART, GIVE ME YOU - I WANT IT (I don’t want to be myself)
09 - This Cold Black Mother Nature is a Coward (Mother Nature is a Whore) No More Presence / No More Power (I pray for death, by the hour) Cut Another Smile Into Me (Into ME is All You Are) My Artifice won’t Recognize Me (You won’t find me)… Anymore Post-Traumatic War Machines / The Pessimists still won’t believe Throw away my past mistakes / It’s all I can to feel Let my weapons be you CHILDREN / Let my armies be your DAMNED Try to suffer on in silence / TRY TO STOP ME IF YOU CAN PNEUMATIC DESTROYER - PATHETIC SEDUCER DISTORTION SUFFICIENT SOME DAY - ONE DAY - WE’LL LIVE OUR LIVES AGAIN My Ghosts Have Found Their Way Back Home I have every right to kill my own I am something now that never could exist My Anguish Conquers All / Pay The Price And Watch Me Fall My Only Key Is Broken - My Broken Key Is Only… ME PNEUMATIC DESTROYER - PATHETIC SEDUCER DISTORTION SUFFICIENT SOME DAY - ONE DAY - WE’LL LIVE OUR LIVES AGAIN You utter waste of tired flesh - It doesn’t matter if you can’t progress Even now they still create me - Give me your ignorance / IRRITATE ME I am made of the same debris - You want it all but you didn’t want me Hypocrite with no real use - I’m alive: what’s your excuse? PNEUMATIC DESTROYER - PATHETIC SEDUCER DISTORTION SUFFICIENT SOME DAY - ONE DAY - WE’LL LIVE OUR LIVES AGAIN PNEUMATIC DESTROYER - PATHETIC SEDUCER DISTORTION SUFFICIENT SOME DAY - ONE DAY - WE’LL LIVE OUR LIVES AGAIN WE’LL LIVE OUR LIVES AGAIN
10 - Wherein Lies Contine THOU SHALT NOT Kill your Fathers - Destroy another Life Question everything we clung to for years Live Forever - Design a Better Death Confuse a liar with a savior from fear Create a Myth and Separate the Chosen Ones Adolescent Independence / Dominion I only wanna believe in fuckin’ anything But now my conscience is contradicting everything THE ENDING’S THE SAME / THE WORLD WILL NOT CHANGE THE ANSWER IS CLEAR… Tell your Mothers they have no Sons or Daughters Blame yourselves because your Children are Mine We are Orphans, but we are not Forgotten And we will find a way to save us this time We can run, but we are tired of running We’re dropping seconds in a glass ‘til we die We only wanna believe in fuckin’ everything But we’re alive and we’re not accepting anything THE ENDING’S THE SAME / THE WORLD WILL NOT CHANGE THE ANSWER IS CLEAR… ANNIHILATION I won’t control or restrain things I do not understand Now I realize I’m STRONGER BETTER They gave to me now I give to you the means to burn the thoughts I had Now I realize I’m STRONGER BETTER MORE WE HAVE TO SAVE OURSELVES I will never become another piece Inside the Paralytic Construct I hate Live Forever? Well, I would rather die At least I’d know I wasn’t theirs to create This is yours, but you had better choose Before they take away your right to decide I guess I’ll never believe in fuckin’ anything But my solace is I CAN HANDLE EVERYTHING THE ENDING’S THE SAME / THE WORLD WILL NOT CHANGE THE ANSWER IS CLEAR… OBLITERATION I won’t control or restrain things I do not understand Now I realize I’m STRONGER BETTER They gave to me now I give to you the means to burn the thoughts I had Now I realize I’m STRONGER BETTER I won’t control or restrain things I do not understand Now I realize I’m STRONGER BETTER They gave to me now I give to you the means to burn the thoughts I had Now I realize I’m STRONGER BETTER MORE WE HAVE TO SAVE OURSELVES
11 - Snuff Bury all your secrets in my skin Come away with innocence, and leave me with my sins The air around me still feels like a cage And love is just a camouflage for what resembles rage again… So if you love me, let me go. And run away before I know. My heart is just too dark to care. I can’t destroy what isn’t there. Deliver me into my Fate - If I’m alone I cannot hate I don’t deserve to have you… My smile was taken long ago / If I can change I hope I never know I still press your letters to my lips And cherish them in parts of me that savor every kiss I couldn’t face a life without your light But all of that was ripped apart... when you refused to fight So save your breath, I will not hear. I think I made it very clear. You couldn’t hate enough to love. Is that supposed to be enough? I only wish you weren’t my friend. Then I could hurt you in the end. I never claimed to be a Saint... My own was banished long ago / It took the Death of Hope to let you go So Break Yourself Against My Stones And Spit Your Pity In My Soul You Never Needed Any Help You Sold Me Out To Save Yourself And I Won’t Listen To Your Shame You Ran Away - You’re All The Same Angels Lie To Keep Control… My Love Was Punished Long Ago If You Still Care, Don’t Ever Let Me Know If you still care, don’t ever let me know...
12 - All Hope is Gone The State of the Nation / VIOLATION / a broken promise is as good as a LIE The Hell is Humongous / The Devil’s among us And we will BURN if we won’t unite What are we conceding for our freedom? Why does anybody think we need ‘em? I would rather FIGHT than let another DIE We’re the Problem, but we’re also the Solution… ALL HOPE IS GONE If you want it, come and TAKE-IT-FROM-ME If you think you can, you STILL-DON’T-KNOW-ME Let me tell you man I SAID IT / I MEANT IT And I will always have the right to defend it 50 SECONDS / 100 MURDERS / The Bill of Rights is a bill of sale What will you do when your war is over? What will you do when your system fails? WE HAVE MADE THE PRESENT OBSOLETE WHAT DO YOU WANT? WHAT DO YOU NEED? WE’LL FIND A WAY… WHEN ALL HOPE IS GONE WE’VE SEEN THE FALL OF THE ELITE BURY YOUR LIFE / TAKE YOUR DISEASE WE’LL END THE WORLD… WHEN ALL HOPE IS GONE WE HAVE MADE THE PRESENT OBSOLETE WHAT DO YOU WANT? WHAT DO YOU NEED? WE’LL FIND A WAY… WHEN ALL HOPE IS GONE WE’VE SEEN THE FALL OF THE ELITE BURY YOUR LIFE / TAKE YOUR DISEASE WE’LL END THE WORLD… WHEN ALL HOPE IS GONE The Wretched are the Wounded / The Hungry starve to death In a place where no one goes, the air itself is a final breath So discontinue the Antiseptic Care Charade As a cry of justice comes, a malignant fire fades I am the Reason your Future suffers / I am the Hatred you won’t embrace I am the Worm of a pure gestation / I am the Remedy - SPIT IN MY FACE All your laws and rules are outdated All your subjects are killing the kings I could rattle off a million other reasons why But does it matter when the only thing we love will die? WE HAVE MADE THE PRESENT OBSOLETE WHAT DO YOU WANT? WHAT DO YOU NEED? WE’LL FIND A WAY… WHEN ALL HOPE IS GONE WE’VE SEEN THE FALL OF THE ELITE BURY YOUR LIFE / TAKE YOUR DISEASE WE’LL END THE WORLD… WHEN ALL HOPE IS GONE WE’VE MADE THE PRESENT OBSOLETE WHAT DO YOU WANT? WHAT DO YOU NEED? WE’LL FIND A WAY… WHEN ALL HOPE IS GONE WE’VE SEEN THE FALL OF THE ELITE BURY YOUR LIFE / TAKE YOUR DISEASE WE’LL END THE WORLD… WHEN ALL HOPE IS GONE WHEN ALL HOPE IS GONE
13 - Child of Burning Time Child of Burning Time The Child of Burning Time
My only consolation is a lie. The Apex of my consequence is dying here tonight Winter hasn’t ended and it always looks like rain. I cant remember anything...
Inside the Absolution, we succumb. And appetites are bittersweet/ I think I'm going numb A chance to give up Avarice has marked my one regret. The Child of Burning Time has gone, he hasn't come back yet... Before I tell my story, please consider who I am. I missed my window years ago/ I'm doing all I can A tragedy is commonplace, but in the end they go away. My skin is still the only stain I'm left to wear in shame
I cut my name into my heart, I’ll tear it all apart I beg you... Burn me away, I won't become your hero just to fight the life I save Burn me away, I won't give up tommorow just to lose it all today
I Burn Away...
My isolation is my course The effect it has on life itself is a cancer on its source I ‘ve the moments spent between the fetish and the flame Until this war is over, I won't ever lose my rage
I cut my name into my soul, I guess I'll never know I beg you... Burn me away I won't become your hero just to fight the life I saved Burn me away, I won't give up tommorow just to lose it all today
14 - Til We Die My friends are all hurting, from moments and regrets and charity laced with a lie And still we keep hoping, to fix all the defects and strengthen these seminal ties We go on together for better or worse, our history is to real to hate Now and forever, we stay until morning, and promise to fight for our fate
'Til We Die... 'Til We Die...
The start of the Journey is every bit worth it, I can let you down anymore The sky is still clearing - we're never afraid and the consequence opens the door I've never stopped trying, I've never stopped feeling like family is much more than blood Don't go on without me - the piece that I represent compliments each and every one
'Til We Die... 'Til We Die... We won't be forgotten, we'll never give in. This war we've acheived has allowed us to win 'Til We Die... 'Til We Die...
My last true confession will open your eyes, I've never know trust like the nine Let it be spoken, let it be screamed, they'll never ever take us alive 'Til We Die... 'Til We Die... We won't be forgotten, we'll never give in. This war we've acheived has allowed us to win Carry on... Carry on...
We'll never be broken, we won't be denied, Our war is the pressure we need to unite We'll never be broken, we won't be denied, Our war is the pressure we need to unite
'Til We Die... 'Til We Die...
We won't be forgotten, we'll never give in. This war we've acheived has allowed us to win Carry on... Carry on... We'll never be broken, we won't be denied, Our war is the pressure we need to unite 'Til We Die... 'Til We Die...
We won't be forgotten, we'll never give in. This war we've acheived has allowed us to win ('Til We Die... 'Til We Die...) We'll never be broken, we won't be denied, ('Til We Die... 'Til We Die...) Our war is the pressure we need to unite